Amish community responds to incident with Reedsburg teens
Hace 7 meses
LA VALLE, Wis. -- News 3 Now visited La Valle on Wednesday, after nine Reedsburg teens were cited for allegedly harassing members of the Amish community in that area.
Temas: Reedsburg, Reedsburg area high school, Reedsburg school district
Hace 7 meses
LA VALLE, Wis. -- News 3 Now visited La Valle on Wednesday, after nine Reedsburg teens were cited for allegedly harassing members of the Amish community in that area.
Hace 7 meses
SAUK COUNTY, Wis. (WKOW) -- Nine juveniles from the Reedsburg area have been cited for disorderly conduct related to multiple reports of harassing behavior toward...
Hace 7 meses
The nine individuals were not named.
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There's a change in venue for a girls basketball semifinal.