
Tag: Cardenales de louisville - equipo masculino de baloncesto

Temas: Cardenales de louisville - equipo masculino de baloncesto


Seedy K’s GameCap: Duke

Lunes 20 de Febrero del 2023

Given that there is an adjustment period at the beginning of every game, how the opening played out in this one is not especially unusual. Or disconcerting. To me...


Sunday Headlines: Jacob Toppin Edition

Domingo 01 de Enero del 2023

Jacob Toppin finally finds his joy in what had been a frustrating season before his breakout in Kentucky’s blowout win over the Cards.


Seedy K’s GameCap: Lipscomb

Martes 20 de Diciembre del 2022

You think watching this is a gruesome task, and it is for Cardinal fans, try having to endure what’s happening on the hardwood, then trying to make enough sense of it...