
There is a possible new General Manager for SmackDown, brother!

Lunes 26 de Marzo del 2018

There is a possible new General Manager for SmackDown, brother!

Hulk Hogan possible Smackdown general manager.

Hulk Hogan possible Smackdown general manager.

Tal parece que la noticia del alta médica de Daniel Bryan solo fue el inicio de una serie de noticias buenas para la empresa de Vince McMahon, y todo de cara a WrestleMania 34.

La marca azul estaría quedándose acéfala después de que su Comisionado, Shane McMahon renunciara hace un par de semanas, además de estar en riesgo su salud física, mientras que al reactivarse como luchador, Daniel Bryan estaría dejando la Gerencia General de SmackDown.

Shane McMahon hospitalizado: En riesgo su lucha en WrestleMania

Previendo esto, WWE está considerando seriamente hacerle caso al viejo y conocido refrán que reza: "Never say never", pues de acuerdo al sitio cagesideseats el principal candidato a quedarse con el rol de autoridad en la ya famosa "land of opportunity" sería el miembro del Salón de la Fama, Hulk Hogan, quien después de ser practicamente borrado de la historia de WWE por sus comentarios racistas, estaría a punto de regresar por la puerta grande a la empresa de Vince McMahon.

Two and a half years have passed since the recordings with insults to members of the African-American community were released and for which WWE had no choice but to erase him from its history. However, from that time to the present, many rumors have been circulating that the famous Hulkster will return with all the splendor of Hulkamania to the company where it had the most global exposure.

And although this is just a journalistic rumor, it wouldn't be surprising if it were true, as confirmed yesterday by journalist Mike Johnson on Taz's podcast, WWE has been very close to negotiating Hogan's return.

More about the negotiations between WWE and Hulk Hogan

By the way, Hogan's last appearance on SmackDown was on April 11, 2014, to present Daniel Bryan as the new WWE World Champion, at the most important moment of the "Yes Movement"

What do you think? Would you like to see the SmackDown brand colored with Hulkamania?


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