
Reactions to the resolution of Jon Jones' doping case.

Jueves 01 de Marzo del 2018

Reactions to the resolution of Jon Jones' doping case.

A few days ago we confirmed that Jon Jones has lost his fighter's license indefinitely, although it will be until August of this year, in addition to having to pay a fine of $205,000 dollars, after testing positive for doping last year. Jon Jones' fighter's license revoked! This resolution has generated everything ...

A few days ago we confirmed that Jon Jones has lost his fighter's license indefinitely, although it will be until August of this year, in addition to having to pay a fine of $205,000 dollars, after testing positive for doping last year. Jon Jones' fighter's license revoked! This resolution has generated everything ...

A few days ago we confirmed that Jon Jones has lost his fighter's license indefinitely, although it will be until August of this year, in addition to having to pay a fine of $205,000 dollars, after testing positive for doping last year.

Jon Jones' fighter's license revoked!

This resolution has generated all kinds of reactions. Today we bring you Miesha Tate's response.

"The thing is, I really don't care at this point if [Jon Jones] comes back because I've lost the motivation and interest in him. The faith I had in Jon Jones is lost. Now maybe in three, four years, if he receives a great suspension [from USADA], if they throw the book at him and he really makes those changes, maybe he will have the opportunity to restore his legacy, but at this point, I don't care anymore. I don't care. I'm above Jon Jones. I'm done with that."

"I don't want to hear his sob story. I felt sorry the first and second time. But it's like fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. If you fool me three times, I say, come on, am I waiting for a fourth? I just don't do it, it's over. I wish and hope Jon Jones changes, but I'm no longer involved. I guess that's what it is. It's been too many times. He has to do a lot more to win me back as a fan and to see him compete again. I just don't want to be disappointed again."

On the other hand, Jon Jones posted the following response to the former bantamweight champion.

@MieshaTate I don’t quit when things get tough for me, I get stronger. You just wait and see, maybe you’ll even find motivation in it. Sucks I lost you as a fan. Enjoy retirement sister

— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) March 1, 2018

"I don't quit when things get tough for me, I get stronger. Just wait and see, maybe you'll even find motivation in it. Sucks I lost you as a fan. Enjoy retirement."

Joe Rogan also reacted to the resolution of the fighter's case with this statement.

"I've seen many talented fighters, and Jon Jones stands out as someone special even among the greatest. He is someone uncommon among uncommon people. I really hope he overcomes this latest setback and returns with strength. Despite his relentless self-sabotage, drug use, and continued lack of self-awareness, Jon Jones is and will always be one of the greatest fighters of all time.

"No matter how many times he stays out of the cage, he will always be one of the greatest athletes in combat sports of all time. He is undefeated in twenty-three fights, including eleven title fights and only one rematch. Throughout a career that spanned eight years, he defeated the best fighters his division had to offer, including victories over five former champions and two victories over the current champion Daniel Cormier.

"Jon Jones is an unparalleled phenomenon inside the cage. When he fights, he is the perfect intersection between reckless and technical, between attacker and grappler, fast and strong, calm and eager. Jon Jones finds the perfect middle ground in every aspect of a fight, and when he is at his best, he can become an impeccable martial artist. Every sport has a man, the benchmark, 'the one'; for golf it will always be Tiger Woods, for basketball Michael Jordan. The list goes on with a leading star that comes to mind for almost every sport. Jon Jones was on his way to being that kind of mixed martial arts. All he had to do was keep moving forward and stay out of trouble, and he would have been an icon. The unfortunate nature of life is that when exceptional people, the atypical, the greatest of all time, achieve perfection in their art, it usually means they're likely to fall short in most other areas of their lives. From what he has shown us, this seems to be the case with Jon Jones. From here, we can only speculate on what comes next for him."

Source: BJPenn.com

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