Dragon Ball Kakumei Anime
Undoubtedly, "Dragon Ball" is one of the most popular franchises in the history of anime. Its success has made thousands of fans seek to know every detail of future productions inspired by Akira Toriyama's work. That is why, in the midst of all this commotion, it has been revealed that we will soon have a new series of the 'Z Warriors' that will be based on the events that occur after the "Tournament of Power".

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It turns out that we are about to see a new anime linked to the saga of our beloved 'Z Warriors' and that has a very close connection to "Dragon Ball Super". We are talking about: "Kakumei", an independent work that will have a future animation. What is it about? Find out more details below.
Dragon Ball Kakumei to Anime
According to various anime media outlets, the work created by fans will have its animated adaptation, and it will be done by none other than the authors themselves, who will set aside the story they are currently working on for this doujinshi, focusing on the first episode that we will be seeing online.
First volume of Dragon Ball Kakumei will be animated. Photo: Dragon Ball Kakumei
While it has not been revealed on a large scale when the premiere will be or if it will be available on a platform, it is very likely that it will be broadcast via YouTube or Facebook. This, like other fanfics that have been seen in recent months, whose detail is not inferior to the original work that, by the way, it is still unknown when it will return to the small screen.
What is Dragon Ball Kakumei about?
After the end of "Dragon Ball Super" in the 'Tournament of Power', a fan manga was created by the show's fans, who in 2019 had no news about the franchise's indecipherable future, which is why as a personal project they created this "fan art".
It is important to note that this work does not have Akira Toriyama's authorization, nevertheless, thousands of fans have been very surprised by its content. As mentioned, it is a doujinshi that arises after the Tournament won by Universe 7, which tells the consequences of the victory and the subsequent wish of Android 17 to restore the universes eliminated by Zeno-Sama.
Likewise, this graphic piece is loaded with action, but with more rawness compared to the original. The official plot revolves around the 'Zero Universe', which has also been restored by the wish of Android 18's brother, so a new threat looms over our heroes.
The current anime is still in the process of being made, and so far, no release date has been set, nor has the streaming platform where it will be available been announced. It is important to highlight that the developers themselves have assured the wide audience that they are working tirelessly to achieve a release as soon as possible.