
John C. Fremont Healthcare District Board of Directors Regular Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Miercoles 19 de Julio del 2023

John C. Fremont Healthcare District Board of Directors Regular Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, July 19, 2023

John C. Fremont Healthcare District Board of Directors Regular Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, July 19, 2023

John C. Fremont Healthcare District Board of Directors Regular Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, July 19, 2023

JCF butterfly
AGENDA of Board of Directors for 
Regular Board Meeting 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023 

Location:  JCFHD Board Room, 5189 Hospital Road, Mariposa 

Wendy Ryder-Priola, RN, BSN, Chair, Rose Fluharty, MScN, Vice Chair/Secretary, 
Nicholas R. Lambert, MBA, MSITM, Treasurer 
Joseph E.C. Rogers, M.D. & Suzette Prue, Directors 

Closed Session 1:00 p.m.

Regular Board Meeting 2:00 p.m.

JCF meeting

1.            Call to order and roll call

2.            Open Session:  disclosure regarding Closed Session items pursuant to Government Code §54957.7

3.            CLOSED SESSION

A.     Public Employee Evaluation (Government Code §54957(b)(1))

Title: Interim Chief Executive Officer

B.     Hearing: Quality Management quarterly report, (Health & Safety Code § 32155) Lisa Hoyle, DPN, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE, CPHQ, CPPS, Chief Nursing Officer

C.     Hearing: Compliance quarterly report, (Health & Safety Code § 32155) Colleen Choi, Controller

D.    Hearing: Risk Management quarterly report, (Health & Safety Code § 32155) Lisa Hoyle, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE, CPHQ, CPPS, Chief Nursing Officer & Julie Adair, Director of Human Resources


Disclosure on reportable action taken during closed session

5.            2:00 p.m. Call to Order Regular Scheduled Board Meeting

Introduction of guests—guests may voluntarily sign in if they wish to have their name spelled correctly in the minutes of this organization.

6.         Public Comments

Persons wishing to speak on any subject not on the agenda may do so at this time.  This legislative body cannot act on or discuss an item that is not on the agenda according to Government Code §54954.2(3).  Persons wishing to comment on an agenda item are invited to do so when the Board considers that item and the Chair calls for comments.  Persons will be limited to 3 minutes when addressing the Board. Speaking time may not be granted and/or loaned to another individual for purposes of extending available speaking time unless arrangements have been made in advance for a large group of speakers to have a spokesperson speak on their behalf.  Comments must be kept brief and non-repetitive.  Persons wishing to comment on agenda item are invited to do so when the Board considers that item and the Chair calls for comments.  All questions or comments will be directed to the Board only.  Thank you for your participation.

7.         Announcements

A.   July 2023 Newsletter JCFHD, see attached Exhibit 1

Ø  Employee of the month – Matt Golden

8.         LETTER TO THE BOARD     

A.     Letter to the Board from Member of the Public

B.     Letter to the Board from Craig Burchfiel, Information Technology Manager

9.         EDUCATION

A.     Brown Act – Rosenberg’s Rules of Order, Director Ryder-Priola, see attached Exhibit 2


A.     Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Chief Operations Officer (COO), Lynn Buskill, DHA, MSN, RN, NE-BC, CNOR, LSSBB

Ø  Dashboard

Ø  Town Hall “To Do” list


A.     Quality Management Annual Review January 2022 to December 2022, see attached Exhibit 3

B.     Strategic Plan Review, Director Lambert, see attached Exhibit 4

C.     Board Member Code of Conduct, Director Lambert, see attached Exhibit 5

D.    Meeting Schedule and potential adjust to meeting dates, times and location, Director Lambert

E.     ACHD Conference September 13-15, 2023, Cost Breakdown, see attached Exhibit 6

12.        MINUTES

A.     Approve minutes of the Regular Board meeting of May 24, 2023, report attached Exhibit 7

B.     Approve minutes of the Regular Board meeting of June 21, 2023, report attached Exhibit 8

C.     Approve minutes of the Finance Board meeting of June 28, 2023, report attached Exhibit 9

D.    Approve minutes of the Special Board meeting of July 7, 2023, report attached Exhibit 10


A.     Audited Financials 2022, Wes Thew, WIPFLi, LLP scheduled for Finance Meeting on July 26, 2023


A.     Policies & Procedures and Bylaws committee: TBD

B.     Board Education & Development committee: TBD

C.     Finance Board Meeting:  July 26, 2023 @ 2pm

D.    Regular Board Meeting: August 16, 2023

E.     Finance Board Meeting: August 23, 2023

F.      ACHD Annual Meeting: September 13-15, 2023

G.    Town Hall Meeting:  September 21, 2023

15.        ADJOURNMENT

In memory of Jedediah Johnson (SNF Resident), Wilma Hender (She was 103 and previously worked as a JCF cook.), Walter Hebern and Stan Barnett-Seeback.

Regular Board Meetings convene at 2:00 p.m. once each month.  Citizens wishing to schedule matters for Board consideration must contact the Clerk of the board in writing stating the action requested.  Appropriate requests will be scheduled before the Board as time allows.  Deadline for submission of written materials is seven days in advance of meeting.  An original and five copies of all supporting materials must be submitted.

Public Presentations: The law provides the opportunity for the public to be heard on any item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, before or during the consideration of that item by the Board.  For all items, including items not on the agenda, the public presentation time at the start of each meeting is appropriate.  The Chair may set time limits as appropriate to manage the Agenda.  State law does not allow action to be taken on any item not on the Agenda.

In compliance with the Americans with Disability Act, if you require special accommodations to participate in a board meeting, please contact the District at 209-966-3631, x-5101 at least 47 hours prior to the meeting.

This agenda shall be made available upon request in alternative formats to persons with a disability, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12132) and the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code §54954.2).  Persons requesting special accommodations to participate in a District meeting, please contact the Board Clerk at 209-966-3631, x-5101, during regular business hours, at least 48 hours prior to the time of the meeting.

Pursuant to the Brown Act as codified in Government Code §54957.5, any documents pertaining to a non-closed agenda item distributed to a majority of the Board of Directors in less than 72 hours before a Board meeting shall be available for public inspection.  Said documents shall be available for inspection at the John C. Fremont Healthcare District Administrative Office located at 5189 Hospital Road, Mariposa, California, Monday through Friday, except Holidays, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.

In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Board Clerk at 209-966-3631, x-5101.

Source: JCF

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