
Fan of 'Magaly TV' throws themed party with ampayados and lower zone underwear.

Domingo 07 de Mayo del 2023

Fan of 'Magaly TV' throws themed party with ampayados and lower zone underwear.

A Peruvian fan of Magaly Medina celebrated his birthday in the style of the famous show 'Magaly TV' and generated all kinds of reactions on TikTok.

A Peruvian fan of Magaly Medina celebrated his birthday in the style of the famous show 'Magaly TV' and generated all kinds of reactions on TikTok.

Magaly Medina is undoubtedly one of the most influential and popular Peruvian hosts in the country. Her popularity is so great that she has remained relevant for over 10 years.

Although players fear her, there are many followers who celebrate her spicy comments and content. In fact, a user on TikTok, identified as Diego Gallese, dared to have a birthday party with the theme of 'Magaly TV: la firme'.

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The clip quickly went viral and already has over 300 thousand views. In the video, the user included photos of all the people caught by the host. Óscar del Portal, Andrés Wiese, Milagros Leiva, Pedro Gallese, Melissa Paredes, Christian Domínguez, Jossmery Toledo, Aldo Miyashiro, are some of the faces that can be seen.

"Genius of geniuses"

The reactions on TikTok were not long in coming. While some users applauded the theme, others left funny comments related to the host's experiences and assured that they will also apply the theme for their birthdays.

"I need Paolo's piñata photo", "The theme I need in my life", "How scary, surely there are lots of catches for the guests", "You were the inspiration", "Loved it, I would put the picture of the cheaters I know, starting with my ex and my friends' exes", "Genius of geniuses", these were some of the over a thousand comments on the video.

What was Magaly's reaction?

The Urraca surprised the user Diego Gallese and, although she has not yet spoken about it, she shared the viral video on her official Instagram account magalymedinanav.

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