TikTok: Where does the audio "My first job" come from?
TikTok has allowed different videos and audios to become viral in a short time, even people consider it the most popular social network worldwide. In the last week, content related to my #FirstJob has gone viral. Where does this content come from? Check out all the details here.

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In this trend, people show the mistakes of individuals in their jobs, the trend has been filled with videos about forklifts, waiters who drop food, a worker who built a wall incorrectly, an entertainer who broke a child's birthday table, even a thief who couldn't break a jewelry store's display case.
All the videos have the same audio saying "my first job" and other dialogues that capture the attention of thousands in just a few seconds; however, users are unaware of where this content comes from and the singers who interpret it in an urban genre song.
"My first job, I remember the day I fell in love with work, my old man came in smiling and told me that I've changed, I asked him for another job and I told him that I know how to work, bro if you don't work, how are you going to eat, if the job calls I'm going to take it, you know me I'm no longer a rookie, signed a contract on a piece of paper," says the lyrics.
The audio for "My first job" is the adaptation or remix of a song by Aladio Carrión called 'Si la calle llama', it is a collaboration with Bryant Myers and Mike Towers. The song is available on different digital platforms, like YouTube.