Cesar Ramos
Cesar Ramos has been left without Liguilla. The central referee made a grave mistake by awarding a penalty in favor of America in the quarterfinals, and after being exposed this day by the Disciplinary Commission, the head Héctor González Iñárritu confirmed to Central FOX that his decision will sideline him for the rest of the 'Fiesta Grande'.
The referee incorrectly awarded a penalty in favor of the Eagles and influenced the score for them to ultimately defeat León 4-1 in the quarterfinals.
This day, the Disciplinary Commission made the first decision to punish Andrés Andrade for simulating the foul, so the Colombian will not be able to play in the next game.
Later, in an interview with Central FOX, González Iñárritu confirmed that the referee will not see any more action in the Liguilla because his determination influenced the final result: "It weighs to continue refereeing in Liguilla."