About the Musical
Just a few days ago, the musical "Tell Me" was premiered, which goes through passages of Pedro Suárez-Vértiz's artistic career and tells part of the musician's personal life, in which a great cast of national actors participate.
Interview with Pedro Suárez-Vértiz
In that sense, Pedro Suárez-Vértiz himself agreed to give an interview to the newspaper Trome in which he assured that this project "is my life told through 21 of my songs" and revealed some other personal details.
Pedro Suárez-Vértiz's Statement on Machismo
However, what caught the most attention was his response when asked about what machismo is since -as has happened on previous occasions- his statements have put him in the middle of controversy.
"There are two types: Good and bad. The first one is paying the bill when you go out with a girl, opening the car door for her, thinking about her pleasure before yours... The bad one is physically, verbally or psychologically assaulting", he stated.
Pedro Suárez-Vértiz's Controversial Post
This is not the first time that Pedro Suárez-Vértiz has been involved in a similar situation, since last February he used his social networks to share a meme with sexist content.