
Pedro Suarez Vertiz speaks out about infidelity to Cuto Guadalupe: "Don't blame Magaly"

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Pedro Suarez Vertiz speaks out about infidelity to Cuto Guadalupe:

The singer made his presence known after popular Cuto became a victim of infidelity when his wife had an affair with another man.

The singer made his presence known after popular Cuto became a victim of infidelity when his wife had an affair with another man.

Luis 'Cuto' Guadalupe is trending on social media after Magaly Medina presented an 'ampay' involving his wife, even celebrities have commented on the incident. Find out more details in the following lines.

El exdeportista rompió su silencio y se refirió al ampay de su esposa.

PUEDES VER: Cuto Guadalupe sobre ampay de su esposa: "Lloré mucho ayer, pero tengo que trabajar"

The program Magaly TV La Firme published the 'ampay' leaving everyone 'frozen' to know that the mystery of the day had ended and the protagonist of this event was Charlene Castro, the partner and mother of the ex-footballer's youngest son.

Upon learning about it, the 'Cuto' decided to speak out for the first time about what happened and his conference caused thousands of reactions, including that of the Peruvian singer, Pedro Suárez Vértiz.

What did Pedro Suárez Vértiz say?

The popular artist revealed himself through his Facebook account and mentioned that he does not agree with the now YouTube channel presenter directly 'throwing darts' at Magaly for what happened with his wife.

"You and I are public figures. Therefore, we know more about sin than anyone else. So don't blame Magaly.", reads part of the extensive text he wrote to give his opinion on the issue.

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