Know before you go: Honolulu Marathon
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As thousands gear up for the Honolulu Marathon this Sunday, these are some key details to be aware of to have the best time on and off the course.
Temas: Honolulu marathon
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As thousands gear up for the Honolulu Marathon this Sunday, these are some key details to be aware of to have the best time on and off the course.
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Area hotels packed as runners prepare to hit the streets.
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About 2,000 runners completed the course, while five elite runners completed the Waikiki race in under four minutes.
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Beginning on Thursday, runners have to pick up their own race bibs at the Hawaii Convention Center.
Domingo 11 de Diciembre del 2022
The Honolulu Marathon is one of the country’s biggest marathons and the only world-class marathon that allows all participants to finish.