
Patricio Arce is sentenced to 22 years in prison for the murder of a minibus collector.

Viernes 06 de Octubre del 2023

Patricio Arce is sentenced to 22 years in prison for the murder of a minibus collector.

According to the testimonies, the former Melgar football player would have ordered the murder of Piero Robles as part of a revenge.

According to the testimonies, the former Melgar football player would have ordered the murder of Piero Robles as part of a revenge.

Crime Sentence

Sentence for Former Melgar Footballer

The Judiciary sentenced former Melgar footballer Patricio 'Pato' Arce to 22 years in prison for the murder of Piero Robles, a minibus collector, which occurred in August 2021 in La Perla, Callao.

Arce Cambana will also have to pay a fine of S/50,000 as civil compensation to the affected family.

Omar Agurto Márquez, also known as 'Pota', and Lender Torres Castro, alias 'Lender' or 'Ender', who carried out the murder of Robles under the orders of the ex-player, were also convicted.

Crime Incident

According to police investigations, Agurto Márquez got into the vehicle where Piero Robles worked and minutes later pulled out a gun to shoot his victim.

After achieving his goal, he fled on a motorcycle driven by Lender Torres.

Finally, according to testimonies, the murder would have been a response to an attack that Patricio Arce had suffered when he was present at a street football match in Callao.

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