
Ricardo Gareca would have rejected the offer to manage the Bahrain national team.

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Ricardo Gareca would have rejected the offer to manage the Bahrain national team.

Despite being offered a millionaire deal, Ricardo Gareca reportedly rejected the opportunity to coach the Bahrain national team for the 2026 World Cup qualifiers.

Despite being offered a millionaire deal, Ricardo Gareca reportedly rejected the opportunity to coach the Bahrain national team for the 2026 World Cup qualifiers.

Will his destination be in Ecuador?

In recent days, it was leaked that Gareca would have signed a pre-contract with Barcelona de Guayaquil, but this would only be confirmed if Vito Muñoz wins the elections and assumes as the new president of the institution.

Gareca and the proposals he has had in recent months

The great work done by Ricardo Gareca in the Peruvian national team has made more than one interested in having him as their coach. He has had possibilities, but none have come to fruition. It was known that Ecuador had almost signed him, but finally, it could not be achieved. In addition, his name has been rumored in Bahrain and Peñarol from Uruguay.

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