
Guido Flores Marchan has been appointed as the new president of IPD.

Jueves 09 de Febrero del 2023

Guido Flores Marchan has been appointed as the new president of IPD.

er de 2019. El motivo de su renuncia no fue especificado.

er de 2019. El motivo de su renuncia no fue especificado.

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The Executive Power has appointed Guido Flores Marchan as President of the Peruvian Sports Institute (IPD), through Supreme Resolution N° 005-2023-MINEDU published today in the Official Gazette El Peruano.

Another resolution signed by President Dina Boluarte accepted the resignation of Juan Carlos Huertas, who was in charge of the institution since October 2022.


Guido Flores holds a doctorate in Education and was a teacher at the National University Enrique Guzmán y Valle. He has extensive experience in education research and will now be in charge of the highest governing body of the National Sports System.

The IPD formulates and implements sports, recreational, and physical education policies. It organizes, plans, promotes, coordinates, evaluates, and conducts research throughout the country on the development of sports, recreation, and physical education in all disciplines, modalities, levels, and categories.

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