
MTC Alert: What is Sismate and how does it work in Peru? [VIDEO]

Viernes 06 de Mayo del 2022

In this note you will learn everything about the new alert system that the MTC is implementing in the face of any natural disaster.

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC) conducted today, May 6, a national test to verify the excellent operability of the Early Warning Messaging System (Sismate), which aims to send a text message of prevention in the event of a natural disaster.

YOU CAN SEE: Sismate test message 2022: Memes about the alert issued by the MTC

In this regard, the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI) has indicated that this will help the population take precautions and thus avoid human losses, so more than 22.5 million people received the simulated alert message.

However, it seems that not all citizens would have been informed about this new project, for that reason in this note we will tell you everything you need to know about "Sistemate".

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What is the Early Warning Messaging System (Sismate)?

It is an early warning tool that was activated today, Friday, May 6, as a nationwide test. This earthquake alarm system seeks to warn the population about a potential natural disaster.

Do not be alarmed, on the contrary, these alerts on our cell phones will help us position ourselves in safe places and save lives. Remember that we must remain calm and have our emergency backpack at hand.

How does Sismate work in Peru?

It is a system that has national coverage, and the sending of messages is the responsibility of the National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) of the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI). In addition, this entity will create the content of the messages that Peruvians will receive. It aims to provide the exact location of the areas where the incident will occur.

Additionally, Sismate has a "Cell Broadcast" functionality, which means that its level of diffusion on cell phones is general across all telecommunications networks operating in our country.

It should be noted that the alert project is being carried out by the Everbridge USE-Everbridge Norway Consortium and is still in the testing period.

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