
Paolo and Gino Guerrero: the same last name and uncertain futures.

Miercoles 07 de Marzo del 2018

Paolo and Gino Guerrero: the same last name and uncertain futures.

The two national players, due to different circumstances, have not been able to play in 2018 yet. One is awaiting the decision of the TAS, while the other is waiting for the opportunity to play in Paraguay.

The two national players, due to different circumstances, have not been able to play in 2018 yet. One is awaiting the decision of the TAS, while the other is waiting for the opportunity to play in Paraguay.

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Paolo and Gino Guerrero have more similarities than the paternal last name they share. Both, for different circumstances, have not been able to play so far this year. In both cases, extradeportive situations have been a burden for their career. However, living up to their last name, they continue to fight to return to the playing fields as soon as possible.

Wait that Despairs

Paolo Guerrero's nightmare began on November 3, 2017, when the FIFA Disciplinary Committee (CD) provisionally suspended him for failing a doping test. For that reason, he missed the playoff matches against New Zealand. The following month, the FIFA CD sanctioned him with a year of inactivity. Paolo did not stay idle and achieved his first victory: the FIFA Appeals Tribunal reduced his sports disqualification to six months.

However, the 'Predator' was not satisfied and appealed to TAS to further reduce or annul the sanction. However, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) requested an increase in the suspension. Will TAS annul, reduce, maintain, or increase the sanction? That will be known in the coming weeks. It is in this scenario of uncertainty that the top scorer of the Peruvian national team finds himself.

Waiting for his Opportunity

Gino Guerrero's case has more protagonists. The former UTC midfielder went to play abroad for the first time this year: he was signed by Guaraní de Paraguay. Everything was going well until a minor accused him of attempting abuse. This brought him countless problems, to the point of spending some days in custody.

After clarifying the situation, Gino tries to make up for lost ground. Fortunately, his club did not terminate his contract and his coach Sebastian Saja expects him to gain competitive rhythm to consider him. For now, our compatriot is playing in the reserve team of the Paraguayan club, waiting to be called up for an official match with the first team and finally debut with the 'Cacique' jersey.

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