The Peruvian Institute of Sports (IPD) has made available to the sports community a guidance line so that any athlete who suffers or has suffered harassment, abuse, or mistreatment of any kind can receive the necessary support to face this difficult situation.
"We want sports to develop in spaces of respect and in a healthy and integral environment, that is why we are opening a WhatsApp to provide help to athletes who are going through this type of situation. Sports is an activity that exalts people and it is of interest of the IPD to preserve that, which is why we cannot allow silence or fear to prevail. We are going to summon other forces to join this crusade," said Oscar Fernández, president of the IPD.
Through this new platform, the IPD will offer legal and psychological support so that athletes can formalize their complaint before the Superior Council of Sport Justice and Honors, an autonomous body responsible for sanctioning in sports matters in Peru.
"This line, 952-907 620, is the first step of the Train without Harassment campaign, which in the coming days will carry out a series of activities aimed at protecting the rights of people who practice competitive sports in our country," added the head of the IPD.