
Do you want a PhD or Master's degree? The Mexican government offers scholarships, find out how to apply.

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Do you want a PhD or Master's degree? The Mexican government offers scholarships, find out how to apply.

Discover the requirements and benefits offered by the Mexican government in these scholarships.

Discover the requirements and benefits offered by the Mexican government in these scholarships.

Are you a postgraduate student and would you like to do a student exchange? Then, you will be interested in the program offered by the Government of Mexico to pursue a bachelor's or master's degree in their country.

According to the National Scholarship and Educational Credit Program (Pronabec) of the Ministry of Education (Minedu), it is the Scholarship Call for Excellence from the Government of Mexico for Foreigners 2023. Would you like to know more details about this competition? Then, read the complete article prepared by Líbero.

The Government of the United States will offer two types of scholarships for Peruvian professionals.

SEE ALSO: Scholarships in the United States for Peruvian professionals: How to apply and what are the requirements?

Who is this program from the Government of Mexico aimed at?

This competition is aimed at postgraduate students with high academic performance from over 180 countries, including Peru.

What benefits does this Mexican government scholarship competition offer?

  • Monthly maintenance
  • The winner will receive a total of 12,614080 Mexican pesos per month for mobility, master's degree, and master's level research.
  • 15,768.50 Mexican pesos will be awarded per month for doctoral or postdoctoral research stays.
  • Enrollment and tuition
  • Medical insurance (from the seventh month of the scholarship)
  • Exemption from the cost of issuing the Mexican visa
  • International air transport upon successful completion of the scholarship
  • National transportation (if applicable)

Requirements for the Mexican Government scholarship program

  • For mobility modalities, present a copy of the letter from the home institution, committing to recognize/validate educational credits taken in Mexico.
  • For mobility modalities, master's and doctoral degrees, present an acceptance letter from the receiving institution no more than 60 calendar days after issuance: it must indicate that you have an average of 85 or 8.5.
  • For master's, doctoral, and research stays modalities, submit a copy of the degree certificate from the immediate previous level.
  • For master's, doctoral, and stays modalities, attach a copy of the certificate of studies from the last period attended, issued by the home institution: minimum average of 85 or 8.5.

What calls can I apply for a scholarship?

More than 3,000 specialties will be offered under this type of program:

  • Undergraduate mobility program
  • Master's program
  • Doctoral program
  • Research stays at postgraduate level (master's, doctoral, and postdoctoral)

The deadline to apply for this scholarship competition will be until 15:00 p.m. (Mexico time) on Friday, July 21.

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