Dina Boluarte arrived at the Vatican for a meeting with Pope Francis, and her presence definitely did not go unnoticed, as her photograph went viral on social media.

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What the president was wearing was not something recently thought or that she came up with to wear that day, but rather it fits to a strict protocol that is directed towards women around the world.
Why did Dina wear black to see Pope Francis?
Women must wear long sleeves, formal black clothing, and a veil or mantle of the same color on their heads. Also, low necklines and skirts above the knee are prohibited.
It is known that everything is also based on the "Il privilegio del bianco", or in English "Privilege of white", which is granted only to seven women in the world, therefore the others can only wear certain garments when meeting with the pontiff.
Who are the 7 women who can wear white?
The only seven women in the world who can wear white are Queen Consort Letizia and Queen Emeritus Sofia of Spain, Queen Consort Matilde and Queen Emeritus Paola of Belgium, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, Princess Charlene of Monaco, and Princess Marina of Naples.