
José Aldo breaks his silence after his recent defeat.

Miercoles 06 de Diciembre del 2017

José Aldo breaks his silence after his recent defeat.

José Aldo breaks his silence after his recent defeat.

José Aldo breaks his silence after his recent defeat.

Jose Aldo suffered his second consecutive defeat, also his second title loss, last weekend at the hands of Max Holloway for the second time as well. Until now, the Brazilian fighter had not spoken publicly.

I just have to thank my family, whom I love, my team, the best in the world "Nova Uniao" for making me great and champion, and my friends and fans who are always with me, thank you very much to all!! I will always be optimistic, because believing is the first step to make things happen!!

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"I just have to thank my family, whom I love, my team, the best in the world, for making me great and champion, and to my friends and fans, who are always with me. Thank you very much to all."

His coach had recently spoken about the criticism his pupil receives.

"Many talk, few know. Brazilians are accustomed to idolizing thieves and crucifying heroes. It's almost cultural. Who should support us, points fingers, criticizes and judges, without having any knowledge to speak about the subject. We are used to it. Our champion Jose Aldo did his part. He fought bravely against a really tough opponent, who was better and won. Just like Jose Aldo did for many years. Sports are like that. No one will erase your history. Your friends and teammates are proud of what you have done and will continue to do. We lost a battle, but the war continues."

Currently, the future of the Brazilian fighter is unclear, but it doesn't seem like he is going to retire, and he still has a lot to give to the sport. Undoubtedly, his next fight will be against one of the main names in the featherweight division.

Or he may even move up to lightweight, as he has commented before.

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