
Running l We debunk 5 myths to achieve mindful hydration [PHOTOS]

Sábado 21 de Septiembre del 2019

Running l We debunk 5 myths to achieve mindful hydration [PHOTOS]

Holding a healthy hydration day by day can be possible as long as we have some notion of the topic.

Holding a healthy hydration day by day can be possible as long as we have some notion of the topic.

Let's start with a reality, as indicated by the European Hydration Institute, water represents 60% of your body weight, bones are composed of 22%, liver of 71%, brain and muscles 75%, adipose tissue 20% and blood and kidneys 81%. Our main vital organs are composed of high amounts of water, that's why you can't neglect the hydration of your body if you want it to function well.

Myth 1
Hydration is achieved only by drinking water
The balance of your hydration depends on how much you sweat, your diet, the altitude and even the humidity. A healthy diet provides you with more than 20% of fluids, according to Kim Schwabenbaur, a triathlon trainer in the United States. In addition, watermelon, melon, cucumber, broccoli, apples, and grapes help increase your fluid levels.

You can also accompany water with lemon, pineapples, or oranges, studies show that if liquids have flavor, you drink more

Myth 2
Drinking 2 liters of water a day
The amount depends on body weight, activity level, ambient temperature, among other factors. At the III National Hydration Congress in Spain, it was reported that children between 9 and 13 years old should consume 2.1 liters of water daily and girls 1.9 liters. The same applies to adults, it is recommended that men consume 2.5 liters and women 2 liters would be sufficient.

It is recommended that when a woman is pregnant, she should increase her consumption by 0.3 to 0.7 liters per day

Myth 3
Tap water also hydrates
Yes, but it does not destroy certain molecules and boiling it is also not enough, says Dr. Flora Luna, a member of the Union of Scientists Committed to Society and Nature in Latin America - UCCSNAL, who also affirms that there are few bottled water brands in Peru that meet all the requirements for good benefit.

She recommends installing water filters at home, some of the best ones are usually a bit expensive, but when calculating in the long run, they are good for our health, our economy, and the environment, as it is a way to reduce the use of plastic.

Myth 4
Drink water when you're thirsty
Correct, but attention, thirst appears when there is already a slight but important degree of dehydration, so it is recommended not to wait to be thirsty or have a dry mouth sensation to drink water.

Myth 5
Energy drinks can replace water
These drinks are made to be consumed when you have done a very intense exercise, for at least 90 minutes.

"They are used to compensate for sugar and electrolyte levels in the blood. It is important not to abuse them. There is no way to replace the consumption of natural water with these drinks," says Dr. Luna.

Now that you have more information about good hydration, participate in these last days in the Entel Challenge Conquer your time until this Sunday, September 22. Register here.

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