
What effects does Pitahaya, known as the "dragon fruit" and from Peru, have?

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What effects does Pitahaya, known as the

In recent years, various studies have shown the nutritional values that this fruit provides to the body.

In recent years, various studies have shown the nutritional values that this fruit provides to the body.

A nutritious diet is essential to stay active and ensure the proper functioning of our organs. Thus, fruits play a fundamental role in this regard.

For this reason, many specialists recommend their inclusion in diets with high protein and vitamin values, in order to obtain the necessary resources to stay healthy.

In that sense, the team at Diario Líbero will show you the surprising components contained in pitahaya, a natural product originally from Peru that has gained notoriety worldwide in recent years.

Benefits of eating pitahaya

It has been shown that this ingredient helps improve digestion and intestinal enzymes, as it acts as a prebiotic; that is, its fiber is consumed to generate good bacteria, according to the specialized portal 'Tua Saúde'.

Additionally, it contains high amounts of vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium, strengthening bones.

Furthermore, it contains a substance called tyramine, which activates the glucagon hormone, transforming fat and sugar reserves into energy. Lastly, it helps with weight loss and liver preservation.

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