
Scholarship 18-2024: When will the call and preselection exam for this competition be?

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Scholarship 18-2024: When will the call and preselection exam for this competition be?

Know the information about this new contest that Pronabec will carry out.

Know the information about this new contest that Pronabec will carry out.

One of the most popular competitions offered by the National Scholarship and Educational Credit Program (PRONABEC) is the Beca 18, a program aimed at adolescents who have completed their school stage with high academic performance and are in a situation of vulnerability.

In this competition, graduates will have the possibility of studying a professional career at any of the best universities and institutions in Peru.

Pronabec indicated that 120 scholarships will be awarded for master's degrees and 30 for doctorates.

YOU CAN SEE: Government will provide 150 scholarships for postgraduate studies in foreign universities: how to apply?

With the culmination of this edition, it is known that a new competition will be held for 2024. When will the call and preselection exam for Beca 18-2024 begin? This and other doubts can be resolved in the following article prepared by Líbero.

When will the call and preselection exam for Beca 18 in 2024 take place?

According to the director of the Scholarship Management Office of Pronabec, Ronald Coronado, the call for the preselection of this program will start in September 2023. In addition, the National Preselection Exam for Beca 18 (a test that determines the number of preselected candidates) will be conducted at the end of October of this year.

What are the requirements to obtain Beca 18?

It will depend solely on what is established in the annual call bases of this competition to obtain a scholarship.

Will the number of scholarships be increased for 2024?

According to the information provided by the executive director of Pronabec, Emma León Velarde Amézaga, she revealed that she intends to expand the number of comprehensive scholarships. Every year, 5,000 scholarships are offered, but the spokesperson expressed her intention to increase it to 10,000.

How many modalities does Beca 18 offer?

According to the Government of Peru, there are 8 modalities to participate in this competition which is aimed at a specific audience:

  • Ordinary Beca 18
  • Intercultural Bilingual Education (EIB) Scholarship
  • Protection Scholarship
  • Repared Scholarship
  • Amazonian Native Community (CNA) Scholarship or Afro-Peruvian Population (PA)
  • Military Forces Scholarship
  • Vraem Scholarship
  • Huallaga Scholarship

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