
Extreme Rules: WWE has issued a statement regarding the status of Rey Mysterio.

Lunes 20 de Julio del 2020

Extreme Rules: WWE has issued a statement regarding the status of Rey Mysterio.

Seth Rollins punished Rey Mysterio this Sunday at WWE Extreme Rules.

Seth Rollins punished Rey Mysterio this Sunday at WWE Extreme Rules.

Good news for Rey Mysterio's vision

After Seth Rollins hit him in the eye with a metal ladder at Extreme Rules 2020, it was rumored that Rey Mysterio had lost his sight. However, WWE informed that doctors have given good news about the Mexican's condition.

"Doctors are optimistic that if the optic nerve is not severed and there is not too much tension on the blood vessels and nerves that connect the eye to the rest of the head, there is a possibility that Mysterio can maintain his vision," WWE stated on their website.

The beginning of it all

The rivalry between Rey Mysterio and Seth Rollins started in May, when 'The Messiah' injured the Mexican's eye. It is not ruled out that Dominic Gutierrez, Mysterio's son who is also a wrestler, seeks 'revenge' in the ring.