
Mareco responds to Haedo: I don't see any Cerro player in the soup kitchens.

Miercoles 15 de Abril del 2020

Mareco responds to Haedo: I don't see any Cerro player in the soup kitchens.

Victor Hugo Mareco, former defender of Cerro Porteño, reacted to Nelson Haedo's statements, who admitted a few days ago that some blue and red players were already "going hungry" due to the leadership's unpaid debts.

Victor Hugo Mareco, former defender of Cerro Porteño, reacted to Nelson Haedo's statements, who admitted a few days ago that some blue and red players were already "going hungry" due to the leadership's unpaid debts.

Victor Hugo Mareco defends Cerro Porteño in face of hunger allegations

Victor Hugo Mareco, who defended the blue and maroon jersey for four seasons (2012-2016), responded harshly to Nelson Haedo, who claimed that some players of the club were already going hungry due to delays in salary payment exceeding three months.

"I don't believe that a Cerro Porteño player is going hungry, let's be honest. One thing is not getting paid on time and another thing is to say that someone is going hungry, that's taking it to the extreme," he pointed out.

Read more: Haedo unloads: "My teammates are going hungry"

"Considering the situation in the country and worldwide, there are other people who are going hungry," added the rugged former defender in conversations with Fútbol a lo Grande on radio Monumental.

Mareco, who won the championship twice with Cerro (2013-2015), stated that "a club as big as Cerro should not be stained like this" and that he has not seen any player going to soup kitchens to feed themselves. "This is a moment to be more supportive and try not to harm ourselves so much," he emphasized.

DEFENDING THE CLUB. Victor Hugo stated that he made these comments as a fan, former player of Cerro, and someone who himself experienced delays in salary payment.

"I'm not defending anyone. It's the club that is being negatively affected, and it doesn't look good when it comes from players who are currently playing for the club. These are things that should have been handled differently," he referred.

See also: Mareco admits salary delays

"It bothered me that it was said that Cerro's players are going hungry, as if they weren't getting paid well. It reflects badly on the club and practically everyone, because unfortunately there are other people who are going hungry," he concluded.

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