LEWISBURG – The Daily Item reports a Winfield man has been sentenced to five years probation for violating a protection from abuse order. 22-year-old Coal Inch pleaded guilty Thursday to a felony count of stalking. The victim told police that Inch messaged her on social media several times. The newspaper reports Inch has been arrested
LEWISBURG – The Daily Item reports a Winfield man has been sentenced to five years probation for violating a protection from abuse order. 22-year-old Coal Inch pleaded guilty Thursday to a felony count of stalking. The victim told police that Inch messaged her on social media several times. The newspaper reports Inch has been arrested
LEWISBURG – The Daily Item reports a Winfield man has been sentenced to five years probation for violating a protection from abuse order. 22-year-old Coal Inch pleaded guilty Thursday to a felony count of stalking. The victim told police that Inch messaged her on social media several times. The newspaper reports Inch has been arrested four other times in the past three months for alleged PFA violations with the same woman.