
Find the pair that is different from the rest: you have 8 seconds to solve the challenge.

Hace 8 meses

Find the pair that is different from the rest: you have 8 seconds to solve the challenge.

Do you consider yourself to have a mastermind? Solve the new visual challenge in record time and establish yourself as the best.

Do you consider yourself to have a mastermind? Solve the new visual challenge in record time and establish yourself as the best.

There are thousands of people who search daily for the best visual challenges of different levels. That's why today we have brought a new mental exercise where you have to find the different figure. The enigma seems very simple, but do not be confident because you could be surprised if you do not take the necessary precautions.

You must take into account that to solve this visual challenge there is no necessary age range. This means that both older and younger people can exercise their memory and observation skills. To find the answer you will need to elevate your concentration and avoid distractions. If you are ready, it's time to start.

Can you find the different figure?

Today we are going to test your vision in an entertaining way thanks to the visual challenge that consists of an image containing several silhouettes. The real challenge is that you will have to carefully look at the postcard and tell us which couple does not belong to the group. You will have 8 seconds to look at the complete photograph and then give us an answer.

We know that this visual exercise can be a bit difficult if it is the first time you are doing it. Even the most experienced people have also had to go through a hard work to locate the final answer. That's why we are going to give you an extra 5 seconds that start counting from now.

Answer to the visual challenge

Being an image that only mixes two colors (yellow and black), this makes it even more difficult. The silhouettes are small and the detail that makes the answer different is minimal. If you managed to find the answer, congratulations because few people get it right. But if unfortunately this is not your case, here we are going to share the solution with you.

As you can see, the different silhouette was located on the left side of the photograph and the detail that made it different was the kiss on the forehead that he gave to the woman. In the other figures, he kissed them on the lips.

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