Results of Teacher Appointment 2023
On October 16, the Ministry of Education (Minedu) announced the results of the Teacher Appointment competition, in which teachers interested in joining the Magisterial Public Career (CPM) participated.
In this note, we will detail who has the option to choose the educational institution where they will be appointed.

SEE: Teacher Appointment 2023 - UPDATED: final results and available vacancies
Who can choose a school to be appointed?
Teachers who have exceeded the minimum scores of the National and Decentralized stages will be able to choose the educational center where they want to be appointed.
It is worth mentioning that CPM applicants had to submit accreditation documents and meet the following specific criteria:
- Have a teaching degree or a degree in education.
- Maintain good physical and mental health.
- Have no criminal records for serious offenses such as deliberate wrongdoing or corruption of officials, among others.
What will be the new teaching scales from November?
The Ministry of Education informed that the new teaching scales and the minimum years of service in each of these are:
- First Teaching Scale: three years.
- Second Teaching Scale: four years.
- Third Teaching Scale: four years.
- Fourth Teaching Scale: four years.
- Fifth Teaching Scale: five years.
- Sixth Teaching Scale: five years.
- Seventh Teaching Scale: five years.
- Eighth Teaching Scale: until the teacher's retirement.
When will the results of Teacher Appointment 2023 be released?
Attention, teacher! On October 16, the Ministry of Education published the final results of the Teacher Appointment competition. Click on this link to see the results: HERE.
Where can I see the results of the teacher evaluation?
Below, we detail step by step how to find out the results of the Teacher Appointment 2023:
- Step 1: Go to the website of the Ministry of Education.
- Step 2: Select the option Teacher evaluation.
- Step 3: Click on Entrance to PCM.