Every person is a unique universe to discover, however, there are certain involuntary characteristics that can say a lot about personality. Don't you believe it? Your friends at Líbero want to present you a 100% free online test for you to get to know more about yourself and take a break from your hectic routine.

SEE ALSO: Which flower from the personality test do you like the most? Your choice will determine if you are happy.
The dynamics of this visual test are super simple, in addition, it will only take you 30 seconds to solve it. All you have to do is observe the following image and select one of the three options you will see so that you can discover how you are in the sentimental aspect with your partner.
The ladder you choose will reveal more about you
Analyze each alternative of the personality test and before making a decision, think carefully about your choice, considering that there is no correct or incorrect answer, just let your intuition guide you. We start in 3,2,1!
Discover HERE how you are in love
STAIRS 1: You are an intense person, who when in love gives everything for the loved one, even putting the well-being of others first. Likewise, you seek to receive the same as you give, and you are happy with details like the time and patience you offer.
STAIRS 2: You don't like to lead a lonely love life, so you usually always have a partner by your side. In addition, you have certain personality traits that can make you manipulative and you only seek your personal well-being, not as a relationship.
STAIRS 3: At this moment in your life, you are not focused on maintaining a solid romance, you just want to have pleasant moments. So you usually don't involve feelings, let alone plans or dreams.