Due to the popularity of visual challenges on social media, their level of difficulty keeps increasing. If you're ready to take on one, don't move from this note because we will put you to the test.
On this occasion, you will need to demonstrate your mental skill and your visual acuity to answer a simple question in the shortest time possible. For this reason, we ask you to follow our instructions to the letter so that you achieve victory in this viral challenge.

YOU CAN SEE: Do you have good vision? Find the 3 differences in the OPTICAL CHALLENGE in record time
Where is the eagle? Analyze the image!
A young man climbed a mountain with some friends and they took several pictures for the memory. However, one of them commented that he noticed the presence of an eagle hidden among the rocks.
In that sense, they need your help to locate it within a 8-second period. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to give you a clue in the mental exercise and you will have to do it alone without the possibility of calling a family member or friend.
What is the answer? Find it!
Did you make the drastic decision to give up on the first try? Relax, we knew it was going to cause you problems from start to finish because it wasn't for beginners. At Líbero, we recommend you to continue with your preparation so that you get your rematch.
Meanwhile, we share with you the solution that we marked in a yellow circle. The dangerous animal was located on the left side of the image, although its color made it go unnoticed by your eyes.
How are visual challenges defined, according to the RAE?
There is no exact definition for "visual challenges", according to the RAE. However, the word 'challenge' defines it as "An objective or difficult endeavor to carry out, and that therefore constitutes a stimulus and a challenge for those who face it."
What is the origin of visual challenges?
Visual challenges have existed for a long time. However, they became very popular during quarantine because people had free time and didn't hesitate to solve the visual challenges on their own or with family. Moreover, it was a distraction in those times of confinement.