
Can you calculate the value of all the elements? Solve the riddle in 13 seconds.

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Can you calculate the value of all the elements? Solve the riddle in 13 seconds.

You will be able to solve the visual riddle if you have a high level of intelligence. Perform the calculations and reveal the actual values.

You will be able to solve the visual riddle if you have a high level of intelligence. Perform the calculations and reveal the actual values.

Visual puzzles are ideal for developing mental activity in humans. Next, we will present an image that features a curious exercise that requires your utmost attention to find the solution. Focus on finding the answer to the mental challenge and set a new record.

This type of visual puzzle is ideal for people who love logical thinking and time limit. Do you think you're an expert? It's time to test your knowledge and skills. Only a small group of users managed to find the answer. Will you be one of them?

Calculate the value of the elements

It may not be one of the easiest visual puzzles in the world, and if you are seeing one of these enigmas for the first time, we recommend following our tips to overcome it quickly and compete with the brightest minds.

You must find the value of all the elements shown in the image. Take into account the result of each equation so that you can perform the exact calculation of each one.

Solve the math puzzle. | Photo: Pinterest

Answer to the visual puzzle

The math exercise consists of three elements and your task was to decipher the numerical value of each of them. They were revealed according to the final result of each equation.

Decipher the value of each element. | Photo: Pinterest

In that sense, the ribbon is worth 1, the cloud is equal to 2, and the Christmas tree is equivalent to 4. Therefore, it means that the result of the last equation between the Christmas tree and the ribbon is 4+1 equals 5.

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