Exercise to Improve Posture
Posture is one of the aspects that must be taken care of the most as a bad position can seriously affect the well-being of the body and in the long term become a delicate health problem. If you spend many hours in the same place, do these exercises to improve your posture without leaving home.

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In case you didn't know, posture is formed from childhood and over the years it becomes fundamental to perform different daily activities. Spending a lot of time in the same position, the human body gets used to it and often this causes pain. That is why it is important to exercise every so often to avoid sedentary lifestyle.
Exercises to Improve Posture
- Do stretches: hug your knees to your chest, raise your hands from one side to the other.
- Strengthen the lower back: lift your hips or legs to hip level. Do planks without overdoing it.
- Opt for short walks: every so often, get up from your seat and walk for a few minutes.
With consistent practice of exercises to improve posture, you will also be working on other muscles that will help you perform the necessary stretches and prevent pain.
Keep in mind that to improve this aspect of your life, you must also engage in other activities. Such as avoiding sitting for long hours (the maximum would be 60 minutes), not sitting in a hunched position and avoiding crossing your legs to maintain balance.