
What is presence detection? Discover the innovative feature of Windows 11.

Lunes 21 de Agosto del 2023

What is presence detection? Discover the innovative feature of Windows 11.

In this note, you will learn what presence detection is, and more importantly, how to activate it in Windows 11.

In this note, you will learn what presence detection is, and more importantly, how to activate it in Windows 11.

Windows 11 is the latest version of the operating system offered by Microsoft for PC. And although millions of people use it around the world, we still have much to discover to make the most of its functionalities.

As you may recall, Windows 11 arrived in 2021 with the intention of offering innovative features to enhance the user experience. One very useful feature that not everyone has taken the trouble to learn about is presence detection.

Windows 11 with its presence detection

Presence detection is an intelligent feature of Windows 11 that can help the user in more than one way, elevating their experience with the operating system to one of greater efficiency and comfort. It was added in the KB5027303 Preview update.

Basically, it consists of a technology that uses sensors such as infrared cameras or fingerprint sensors to recognize whether the person is still in front of the computer or is no longer in front of the device.

This functionality is very useful, for example, to save energy when you are not in front of the computer. It can also become a good security measure, as it blocks access to any other individual.

Activate presence detection in Windows 11

  • Open the settings of your Windows 11 device.
  • Go to "Privacy and Security".
  • Click on the "Presence Detection" tab.
  • Turn on the "Access to presence detection" switch.
  • Make sure applications can access presence detection.

If your device does not yet have the Windows 11 update to follow the above steps, you can use the ViveTool tool. You can safely download it from the GitHub page.

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