
What is the name in this riddle? Solve the riddle in just 5 seconds.

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What is the name in this riddle? Solve the riddle in just 5 seconds.

Only people with a high level of intelligence have managed to overcome this complicated challenge within the established time. Would you like to demonstrate your abilities?

Only people with a high level of intelligence have managed to overcome this complicated challenge within the established time. Would you like to demonstrate your abilities?

This new case is being highlighted as one of the most extreme mental puzzles on social media, it even ranks in the TOP. Will you be able to overcome the challenge? It may seem simple at first glance, but the truth is that it could cause you a real headache.

Like any game that seeks to test people's skills, there are rules here. You must avoid any distractions, not look at the solved image, and activate your timer to avoid cheating. Come on, we wish you the best of luck in the challenge!

Riddle: What is the name?

In this challenge that went viral on social media, you have to guess what the following text is trying to tell you: "Half of my name I give to understand with my name; the other half is formed with a woman's name". What is it? You only have 5 seconds to answer.

Need a second chance? Don't worry, your friends from Diario Líbero understand the difficulty of the image and have no problem giving you an extra 3 seconds to find the solution and show what you're made of.

Riddle: Discover the name of this case

If you managed to find the solution, then congratulations for having a high level of intellectual coefficient, especially for solving extreme cases. If not, we will provide you with the solved case so that you don't leave with doubts and challenge your friends.

Answers: "La ventana" (The window). The reason? If you say half of its name, you already imply what it is, and the other half forms "Tana," which is used to name people of the female sex.

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