One Piece continues to captivate anime fans by expanding the story of the Mugiwaras, highlighting their incredible potential as they face off against Yonko Kaido of the Beasts and his crew in the country of Wano.
YOU CAN SEE: One Piece: the official chapter where the 'Gear 5' of Luffy will be animated is confirmed.
However, that is only a small part of what is to come, as the manga has become even more interesting in this latest stage. In that sense, they have recently presented us with truly surprising details, giving greater prominence to the World Government and the Gorosei, focusing on the hidden leader behind it all: Im-sama and their shocking revelation about the 'D' clan. Pay attention to the note.
Im-Sama reveals the true meaning of the 'D'
Everything happened in the edition of manga 1085, after King Cobra met none other than Imu, who made an appearance to answer a disturbing question from the deceased monarch of Arabasta, who asked to know more about the name 'D'.
Although it was brief information, the enigmatic villain of the pirate series stated the following regarding that question: "The D is the name of those who once opposed us. They have been appearing more frequently lately in every corner of the world with the 'D'. However, they are nothing more than empty shells that ignore the true meaning of their name".
As we know, the natural enemy of the world's rulers is the 'D' clan, so characters with the mysterious letter in their names have appeared in different eras, such as Gold D. Roger, Trafalgar D. Law, Monkey D. Luffy, and the most recent to be known, Nefertari D. Vivi, who are of great relevance in this era but are also connected to the Void Century.
One Piece Manga on 'hiatus' due to Eiichiro Oda's health
It should be noted that, after manga 1086, where the name of Dr. Vegapunk's most powerful weapon is revealed, which is in the hands of the 5 elders of the Gorosei, there will be an abrupt hiatus. This is due to Oda-sama's operation for an astigmatism problem that prevents him from regularly creating the manga, returning to its usual continuity within a month.
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