In recent days, visual riddles have become the most preferred mental game by users because they allow their brains to be constantly working to find the correct answer.
That's why your friends from Diario Líbero present you with this new visual challenge that will require your mental skills to be at maximum concentration, as it will not be easy to achieve victory. Why?

YOU CAN SEE: Will you discover what question it refers to? Only 2% correctly solved the EXTREME challenge
According to collected data, 98% of users failed incredibly on this challenge, despite having options to choose from. This shows that many Internet users are unaware of historical facts worldwide. What will be your result? Find out!
Will you know which instrument was the oldest?
This time, you will have to face a question of general culture which is as follows: "What was the oldest musical instrument?". In addition to that, you are given three options which are the flute, a guitar, and a tambourine.
Your only mission will be to discover which instrument is correct in just 4 seconds. It is important to inform you that it is not valid to search for the answer on Google, as you will be cheating. Are you ready? It's now!
The oldest musical instrument is...
How did you do? Do you want to know if your answer is correct? Don't worry, it will be provided in the following paragraph. If you guessed correctly, congratulations on your great knowledge of history, but if you failed or ran out of time, keep practicing to become an expert in mental games.
SOLUTION: The oldest musical instrument is the FLUTE. They have an age of 42,000 to 43,000 years.
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