Are you looking to boost your intelligence? If so, Diario Libero proposes a visual riddle that has become the 'terror' of many users on social media. Don't believe it? Then, surely you can easily solve the following viral test.

YOU CAN SEE: If you are a true 'CRACK' you will find the 3 differences: 99% failed the visual challenge.
This mental exercise will require you to use your reasoning, deductive ability, and imagination. In fact, 98% of people who have tried to solve this visual game in record time have failed.
Can you win?
If you really want to achieve victory, we ask you to follow each instruction to the letter. Remember that you only have 6 seconds to find the answer.
First, you must concentrate 100% and remove any possible distractions. Then, relax so that your mind is clear and you can apply all your potential. Finally, you need to read the statement very carefully and analyze it: "Seven little brothers, all the same, on one side they are light and on the other, dark."
Answer to the extreme riddle
Could you finish in time? If that's the case, then allow us to congratulate you because you have a QUICK MIND. Despite the exercise's high level of complexity, the identical brothers represent the seven days of the week.
If the 6 seconds were not enough for you to finish, don't worry and remember that practice makes perfect. So keep doing more riddles to reach a higher level.
For more mental games, visit us on our website