The end of an era
Pokémon is a Japanese animated series that premiered in 1997 and since then has had only one protagonist named Ash Ketchum, a young trainer from Pallet Town who, along with his friend Pikachu, travels the world to become a 'Master'.
Ash Ketchum becomes the champion
In season 25 of Pokémon, Ash Ketchum managed to become the champion of the World Tournament and it seems that with this victory his story will come to an end.
SEE ALSO: One of his strongest Pokémon, Ash didn't take it to the final, and now nobody remembers it.
Through Twitter, Pokémon Spain has just made an announcement that has shocked thousands of fans, since after 25 years, the story of Ash Ketchum and Pikachu will come to an end, to make way for a new protagonist.
As seen in the video shared on Twitter, starting from January 13, 2023, 11 episodes will be aired, which will serve to end the story of Ash and Pikachu.
After these episodes, the new protagonist of Pokémon will be revealed. The new anime series will debut in April of next year and will be starring Liko and Roy, two young trainers who will have to choose their starter Pokémon in Paldea to live adventures together.
For now, this is all that is known about these two new young trainers, who will start their journey through the Pokémon world. It should be noted that in these episodes, Ash Ketchum may appear older or they will show us what his path will be, which will no longer be aired in the series.
Undoubtedly, this is the end of an incredible story that lasted 25 years. Farewell, 'Ash'!