
Only 4% passed this high-level riddle: Discover who the alien is in 7 seconds.

Sábado 29 de Octubre del 2022

Only 4% passed this high-level riddle: Discover who the alien is in 7 seconds.

Solve this complex riddle that only people skilled in mind games have been able to overcome. Will you be one of them?

Solve this complex riddle that only people skilled in mind games have been able to overcome. Will you be one of them?

Test yourself! Visual puzzles are designed to test your wit, logic, and intelligence in a matter of seconds. That's why they are very popular and have become the favorites of thousands of internet users. The visual challenge we present to you today is considered a surprisingly difficult exercise. Do you want to try to overcome it on your first attempt? If so, keep reading.

Discover who the alien is in 7 seconds

Joseph is an astronaut and is heading for a mission to Mars. Upon arriving at the base located on that planet, Julian receives him in a space suit and guides him during a walk to another ship, where he introduces him to two more companions. Jorge, an engineer who has a sunburn on his face, and Jesus, a cleaning supervisor with a severe skin condition that appears to have scales.

Will you be able to decipher this difficult test?

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Immediately, Joseph receives an alert; according to reports, an alien is pretending to be a human. Will you be able to identify the impostor? You have only 7 seconds to overcome this visual challenge:

Extreme visual puzzle: Identify the alien in just 7 seconds | Photo: Genial Guru

Which of the boys is an alien?

We hope you already have your answer and have succeeded. In this section, we will share with you the result of the previously exposed enigma.

The impostor and alien is Julian because while Joseph and he were on their way to the ship, only Joseph needed the astronaut suit while Julian could breathe and walk on Mars without any problem.

Extreme visual puzzle: Identify the alien in just 7 seconds | Photo: Genial Guru

If you liked this visual test, we invite you to do more exercises of this type on Libero.pe.

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