Do you like solving visual challenges on the Internet? In that case, in the following lines we will show you something you have never seen before. This challenge is so difficult that even the best detectives in the region were completely stunned. In this way, this is your chance to shine.

YOU CAN SEE: Can you find the 5 differences in Ñoño? Solve this visual challenge from 'El Chavo del 8'
As you can see, the following image shows a fun birthday party. However, we can assure you that there is a huge mistake, and only you can find it. Can you locate the answer in 10 seconds?
Visual challenge: this image contains a peculiar mistake
If you want to find the solution, you have to make an effort. Don't give up until you find this mistake. Check every detail and don't let anything escape you, as any clue can end up leading you directly to the answer without you even realizing it.
Don't let the complexity of this image overwhelm you. Remember that you just have to trust in your potential and show the world that you are extremely talented. Are you ready to give us the solution?
Visual challenge: this was the mistake you have been looking for all this time!
Can you see it now? The boy is turning 7, but there are only 6 candles. If you found it without help, then you are very wise. However, if you couldn't find the answer in time, then you still need to develop your skills. Next time you will be prepared, so don't get discouraged.