They are back! Jorge Benavides and Carlos Álvarez will perform the most anticipated sketch again by their fans. Through the TikTok platform, this clip has leaked and has shocked Peruvians who were fans of the program 'El especial del humor'.

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In the viral image, it can be seen that both comedians were filming the sketch of "Las pitucas de la Molina". The comedians were characterized with the peculiar costumes that these characters use to confront citizens from another social class.
The TikTok video quickly went viral. It currently has over 116,000 views and various comments from users on this platform.
"Comedy revived", "I hope it returns", "What happiness", "We eagerly await the return of these two legends", "This part of my life is called happiness", "Finally", are some of the messages that accompany this viral publication.
Jorge Benavides and Carlos Álvarez: Will they work together again?
The comedians were photographed together with Ney Guerrero. This photograph raised the alarm for their fans who eagerly await the return of this explosive duo.
However, the two artists recorded a video together stating that they would not work together again and would only collaborate, but they ended the clip winking at the camera, so many users hope that this news will be realized.
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