Listen to Text on Google Chrome
There are times when you have to read something on the screen, but at the same time you have to do something else. You are either in front of the computer or wasting time doing something else. If you have these difficulties, there is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to listen to the texts you select.
The most intuitive option is Selection Reader (Text to Speech). The dynamics are simple. You select the text you want to listen to, then right-click and choose the option "Read out selection". The interesting thing is that you can modulate the language and the reading speed.
But if you want something more designed for the Spanish language, Read Aloud has a perfect Spanish locution. Its use is the same as the previous option, and it has functions such as a variety of speakers, more than 45 languages, and customization of tone, volume, and reading speed.
With these options, you should be more than ready to continue with your background activity while listening to the computer from Google Chrome.
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