
ONEFA rewards the most outstanding players of the 2016 season.

Martes 22 de Agosto del 2017

ONEFA rewards the most outstanding players of the 2016 season.

Coaches and most valuable athletes of the last campaign are recognized at the Kickoff ceremony organized by ONEFA.

Coaches and most valuable athletes of the last campaign are recognized at the Kickoff ceremony organized by ONEFA.

The National Student Organization of American Football (ONEFA) held the ceremony of the Kickoff of the Major League 2017, in which the most outstanding players of the 2016 tournament were awarded.

The Marquis Reforma Hotel was the venue for the event where the following awards were presented: Offensive Player of the Year, Defensive Player of the Year, Rookie of the Year, Coach of the Year, and Most Valuable Player of each of the three conferences that make up the ONEFA.

The winners as Most Valuable Player and Coach of the Year in the Green Conference were Ricardo Guadalupe Aguilar Medellín and Master Antonio Zamora Monteamayor, respectively. In the White Conference, Francisco Cárdenas Mejía was the coach of the year and Óscar Delgado de la Rosa the best player. In the Red Conference, Óscar Garza Pérez and Héctor Jiménez García ended up being the Coach and Player of the season.

In addition, the president of the ONEFA, Raúl Rivera, attended the celebration and pointed out to La Afición, "This event is a clear example that ONEFA is not only American football; ONEFA represents Mexican society." He also indicated that the institution's goals are: "to continue being part of the integral formation of young people and to continue collaborating to make Mexican society better."

To conclude, he expressed that the organization's greatest achievement has been, "to consolidate itself as an association that not only plays American football, but also has a commitment to social causes."

Also, during the ceremony, referees and reporters with outstanding careers in the national association of the specialty were honored.

Ver noticia en Laaficion.milenio.com

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