
Roger Federer teaches tennis from home, using a toquilla straw hat that he was gifted in Ecuador.

Miercoles 08 de Abril del 2020

Roger Federer teaches tennis from home, using a toquilla straw hat that he was gifted in Ecuador.

(VIDEO) The legendary Swiss tennis player gives advice to amateur tennis players through social media with practical tricks.

(VIDEO) The legendary Swiss tennis player gives advice to amateur tennis players through social media with practical tricks.

Roger Federer offered aspiring tennis players who are locked in their homes the lessons of their dreams online, an opportunity to receive advice from the person considered the greatest tennis player of all time.

While people around the world are largely confined due to the coronavirus pandemic - maintaining their social distance while trying to stay healthy and help others - some athletes have shared exercises on social media, with suggestions to stay fit.

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Federer did something similar, with what he called "helpful solo exercises," but on Tuesday he took it a step further. He asked people to post their videos on Twitter, imitating a volley exercise he had demonstrated, and then responded to some of them by giving them advice.

He's not a bad instructor.

The winner of 20 Grand Slam titles had already posted videos of himself hitting balls against a wall in the snow, including shots from behind and between the legs.

Now, the 38-year-old Swiss player dressed in white, perhaps as a nod to Wimbledon, the grass tournament he has won eight times and that was canceled last week. With an Ecuadorian Panama hat, he stood next to a green wall and practiced his volley.

He hit the ball about 200 times in this reflex exercise that lasted 59 seconds.

In less than six hours, Federer's video was viewed one million times and generated more than 1,300 responses.

True to his word, he responded to some people.

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"Don't lean back, strong wrist," Federer wrote to one person. "Keep up the good work."

To an Ecuadorian fan, identified as Martín Moncayo, he replied: "I brought the hat I wore in the video back from Quito, great video". This because the legendary Swiss visited the Ecuadorian capital in November 2019 for an exhibition match with German Alexander Zverev.

In another video, in which a man is hitting a ball against an indoor wall while a dog sleeps underneath, Federer responded: "I love the confidence that it won't fall on the dog".

Federer, who underwent arthroscopic surgery on his right knee in February, is waiting, like everyone else, for the return of tennis competitions. The men's and women's tours were suspended until mid-July due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Last week, the United States Tennis Association asked people not to play with others at this time, as "it is in the interest of society to take a collective break." (D)

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