
Uruguay's coach referred to Luis Suárez's role in the 2018 Russia World Cup.

Jueves 14 de Diciembre del 2017

Uruguay's coach referred to Luis Suárez's role in the 2018 Russia World Cup.

Uruguay's coach, Óscar Washington Tabárez, defended in an interview with Efe Luis Suárez's performance in the 2010 and 2014 World Cups in South Africa and Brazil, respectively, and ironically stated that in order to surpass that performance, the 'Celeste' would have to become champion in Russia 2018 with him as the top scorer.

Uruguay's coach, Óscar Washington Tabárez, defended in an interview with Efe Luis Suárez's performance in the 2010 and 2014 World Cups in South Africa and Brazil, respectively, and ironically stated that in order to surpass that performance, the 'Celeste' would have to become champion in Russia 2018 with him as the top scorer.

The coach of Uruguay, Óscar Washington Tabárez, defended in an interview with Efe the performance of Luis Suárez in the World Cups of South Africa 2010 and Brazil 2014 and ironically stated that in order to surpass that performance, the 'Celeste' would have to become the champion in Russia 2018 and he as the top scorer.

"In order for him to have better World Cups, we have to become world champions and he has to be the top scorer of the tournament," said Tabárez when asked if Suárez, due to his age and experience, was facing his great World Cup opportunity.

Thus, he defended that in order to reach the World Cup in Brazil 2014, Luis Suárez recovered from an injury in a "miraculous" way and despite the fact that his trajectory in that tournament "was interrupted by other things", referring to FIFA's sanction, "he scored decisive goals with less age and experience".

"He is a fundamental player, I don't know how things will turn out. I hope he can be the best contribution for the team, just like I hope the same from the other 23 players in the squad," said Tabárez.

The Uruguayan coach pointed out that Luis Suárez, who scored 3 goals in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and 2 in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, is one of the players who will be in Russia 2018 unless unexpected causes arise, but he did not want to concentrate the responsibility of the role that the 'charrúa' selection may have in the next World Cup on him.

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