
Juan Sebastián Verón: el presidente que se metió a la cancha [VIDEO]

Jueves 12 de Enero del 2017

Juan Sebastián Verón no podía separarse del fútbol, no podía separarse de su gran amor, el Club Estudiantes de La Plata. Pasó como juvenil, jugador ,y figura, del equipo y presidente. Con 41 años, y próximo a cumplir 42, piensa sobre lo útil que pueden ser, además de su cabeza, sus piernas para el ‘pincha’. Meditó sobre la exigencia del fútbol de hoy y la magia que compartió ayer, y tomó la decisión. Así, el presidente, se mete a la cancha.

Juan Sebastian Veron

Juan Sebastian Veron could not separate himself from football, he could not separate himself from his great love, Estudiantes de La Plata. He went through the club as a youth, player, team figure, and president. At 41 years old, and approaching 42, he thinks about how useful his legs can be, in addition to his mind, for the 'pincha'. He reflected on the demands of today's football and the magic he shared in the past, and made the decision. Thus, the president enters the field.

Juan Sebastian Veron

Juan Sebastian Veron has been serving as president of Estudiantes de La Plata since October 2014. He will return to play for the club's first team at 41 years old, after having 'definitively' retired from professional activity in 2014. A public bet with the club's directors committed him, "If 65% of the stadium's boxes are sold by the end of the year, I will return to play in the Libertadores," Veron said, and the boxes were sold.

Juan Sebastian Veron

Veron made his debut for 'pincha' in the 1993-94 season, he was 18 years old and suffered the relegation of the team from La Plata in his first season as a professional footballer. He would not lose a bit of hope. After that, a career that seems to have no end would come.

Juan Sebastian Veron

In 1995, he made the jump to European football after a brief stint with Boca Jrs. Italy awaited, Sampdoria was the team that welcomed him in Serie A. He also played for Parma and Lazio, his last stop before arriving in the Premier League. The Roman team received an unbeatable offer of 42.5 million euros from Manchester United managed by Sir Alex Ferguson to take the magic of the 'Brujita' to English lands.

Juan Sebastian Veron

In 2003, he became part of Chelsea, he did not have a great season with the 'blues' and was loaned to Inter Milan. He played for the Italian club and closed his time in Europe before returning to Argentina.

Juan Sebastian Veron

He was always awaited at home. In 2006, he returned to Argentina, to his beloved Estudiantes de La Plata. He spent 10 seasons away from his place in the world, away from the white and red shirt. In 2009, he won the Copa Libertadores and hung up his boots in 2014. Today, as the club's president, he lives this unique story.

Ver noticia en El Comercio: DT

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