The 220 soles bonus will be paid in the coming days following the agreement between representatives of the Ministry of Education (Minedu) and the Unitary Union of Education Workers in Peru (Sutep). This monetary benefit is exclusively intended for teachers and assistants.

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Do you want to know more details about the subsidy? We share all the details in this article, so you know if you will be one of the beneficiaries who will receive this financial support from Minedu.
When will the 220 S/ bonus be paid to teachers and assistants?
The extraordinary bonus will benefit more than half a million education professionals and it is estimated that its deposit will start in the month of October 2023, however, the exact payment date and payment procedure are still unknown.
Who will receive the 220 S/ bonus in Peru?
According to the collective bargaining agreement 2023-2024 between Minedu and Sutep, the beneficiaries will be named and contracted teachers and assistants from basic education institutions, as well as teachers from educational institutions managed by the Ministry of Defense.
What requirements must I meet to receive the 220 soles bonus?
- Have a work contract until June 30, 2023.
- Be registered in the public sector payroll as of June 30, 2023.
What did Minedu say about the 220 S/ bonus?
In the midst of various questions from the beneficiaries, Minedu shared a statement through its platforms to provide more information about this economic subsidy agreed upon in the 2023-2024 collective bargaining.
In communication No. 026-2023, it was reported that the Executive Branch added an article in the legislative initiative in order to approve the supplementary credit for financing economic reactivation, as well as that the Congress of the Republic must debate and approve it.
What is missing for the payment of the bonus to teachers and assistants?
According to Minedu, in order for the payment of this 220 S/ bonus to the assistants and teachers to be made, an article has been included in the legislative initiative that "will approve the supplementary credit for the financing of economic reactivation among other measures".