'Gato' Cuba Debuts YouTube Podcast
Karma! Rodrigo 'Gato' Cuba and his brother premiered their podcast "Habla batería", which debuted on Wednesday, August 9th. "América Hoy" didn't hesitate to talk about the topic, however, Janet Barboza emphasized the popular 'Gato''s attitude, without imagining what would happen.

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The morning program took the opportunity to express their opinions about this new project of the Sport Boys player and former husband of Melissa Paredes, who was a host in the show led by Ethel Pozo.
The report presented about the start of 'Gato' Cuba on his YouTube channel emphasized that there were only 3 live viewers, but what was most emphasized was the attitude shown by the footballer, as he seemed a little nervous and even discouraged.
On the other hand, Janet Barboza didn't hesitate to remark on the performance of the Peruvian player, even daring to imitate the posture he had in his podcast.
However, it seems that the hostess didn't calculate well and ended up falling live on air. This caused laughter among her colleagues and guests.
"Help her, help her... you see, she's mocking, she's mocking, there is the malice,"
'Gato' Cuba Debuts YouTube Podcast
Rodrigo Cuba and his brother Jorge Cuba premiered their podcast "Habla batería", which had Coki Gonzalez as a guest on its first episode. So far, the YouTube video has 518 views in 14 hours.