If each defending team were a year of life, Hernán Barcos came of age at Alianza Lima. Agotado por un largo periplo alrededor del mundo, que lo llevó por un total de diecisiete clubes, el argentino de entonces 36 años llegó al Perú para firmar por Alianza Lima en febrero del 2021, sin imaginar que se convertiría en pieza fundamental de aquel giro de timón que la entidad blanquiazul urgía tras un 2020 para el olvido. Barcos, a quien le dicen ‘El Pirata’, sería el goleador dentro del campo y fuera, se convertiría en el nuevo prototipo de futbolista que la blanquiazul tanto necesitaba para hacer borrón y cuenta nueva. Este martes, sin el protagonismo de hace dos temporadas, el argentino cumple 39 años, ahora como pieza de recambio, como alternativa en un plantel que se ha reforzado a tope. Sin embargo, su voz de mando, su liderazgo y sus acciones lo siguen manteniendo como titular indiscutible en el corazón del hincha.
In 2021 Hernán Barcos not only scored goals. He also rebuilt the image of the intimate squad since he got off the plane and set foot in Lima. "I don't drink, I don't smoke and I don't go out," were some of his first statements as an intimate, obviously related to what happened in 2020, with a squad weary and eroded by disciplinary problems, extracurricular events and mainly, by the culture of infidelity installed by that failed project of Pablo Bengoechea.
Let's remember. Alianza Lima, led by Pablo Bengoechea, had players of certain renown for the local media such as Jean Deza, Alexi Gómez and Carlos Ascues. However, amid the pandemic and the poor results both locally and in the Copa Libertadores, the first two gained more prominence in entertainment programs due to their infidelity in alleged late-night gatherings with alcohol involved. Even another player, in November 2020, would be sanctioned by the club after starring in an infidelity scandal at a hotel.
Barcos took charge of dealing with that culture of infidelity at Alianza Lima. With an always positive, educated and teaching discourse, the veteran forward built the new image of the intimate team. Even with the arrival of Jefferson Farfán, Barcos continued to be the main figure with his goals, his contribution and his positive actions on and off the field. He won the affection of the fans in the most natural way. By being himself.
He supported the women's soccer team, went to see them at the stadium while others preferred to rest. He always supported good causes and even went viral for giving a house to the woman who helped take care of his children. An exceptional person who personifies the model footballer: the one who wins on the field and off it, is a very good person. He is loved.
He changed the image of the footballer at Alianza Lima or at least led that change in perception.
Today Hernán Barcos is no longer an undisputed starter. He has lost prominence and the forward understands it, he knows he is in favor of the team and accepts it with honor and responsibility. He knows he is still key to keeping the younger players in line, to lead and strengthen the group. The spotlight is no longer on him with the same intensity, but he has not lost the ability to light up his teammate on the street and support him on the field. He understands his new role in solidarity, and that also remains a half goal.

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